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文章来源: 更新时间:2023-12-07 09:07

enabling the surface-phosphorylated CeO 2 -supported monolithic catalyst to exhibit both expected activity and stability for over 68 days during a pilot test,imToken钱包, catalyzing the destruction of a complex chlorinated volatile organic compound industrial off-gas. 有幸参与, we present the computational discovery and experimental demonstration of a highly active surface-phosphorylated ceria catalyst that exhibits robust chlorine tolerance for catalysis. Ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) calculations and in situ near-ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy ( in situ NAP-XPS) identified a predominantly HPO 4 active structure on CeO 2 (110) and CeO 2 (111) facets at room temperature. Importantly,翁教授做了全面的考察! ,很早之前发现H Hopping在氧化铈用于CVOCs催化燃烧时可能有所作用, Surface-Phosphorylated Ceria for Chlorine-Tolerance Catalysis | Environmental Science Technology ( An improved fundamental understanding of active site structures can unlock opportunities for catalysis from conceptual design to industrial practice. Herein, further elevating the temperature led to a unique hydrogen (H) atom hopping between coordinatively unsaturated oxygen and the adjacent P═O group of HPO 4 . Such a mobile H on the catalyst surface can effectively quench the chlorine radicals (Cl ) via an orientated reaction analogous to hydrogen atom transfer (HAT),。


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